Poultry net is one of the essential tools for running a poultry on your property. It prevents against snakes, alligators and other predators that like to feed on chickens and their eggs. Moreover, poultry netting provides barrier for curbing your flocks from roaming. If you want to make the best out of your poultry for grooming chickens for eggs and meat, you must adopt a poultry wire.
While poultry netting is important for the poultry that you keep on your property, there are different kinds of poultry net that are available for your poultry
Different Types of Poultry Net that are available for your poultry
- The Poultry Wire
This netting is also called chicken wire. Poultry wire is created with galvanized wire and features hexagonal holes that are about 1 inch or 2 inches in size.
The poultry wire is a common poultry wire that is used for protecting the chickens against birds of prey. Poultry owners use the poultry or chicken wire to cover the top of the coop to safeguard the chickens from hawks.
While poultry wire may not be strong enough to protect the chickens from bigger and agile predators, it can perfectly keep out snakes. Moreover, predators are thwarted in their attempt to attack the chickens because the poultry wire slows down their activities, such that the owner of poultry has enough time to intervene during attacks.
Poultry wire can be used to compartmentalize the coop. You can successfully separate chicks and broody hen from the flock.
Merits of Poultry Wire
- Poultry wire is good for protecting the poultry.
- It is an affordable option of poultry netting.
- Poultry wire is flexible and easy to use.
Demerits of Poultry Wire
- Poultry wire is not a guarantee for protecting the poultry against predators.
- It rusts quickly.
- Chicks can escape from a poultry wire through the hexagonal holes.

The advantages of poultry wire are that it helps to protect the birds, it is very flexible and it is easy to use.
Hardware Cloth
Hardware Cloth is another type of poultry netting. It is one of the safest poultry tools for protecting the poultry. Hardware cloth is also called welded wire and can defend the chickens against foxes, dogs, weasels, mice and snakes, but is rigid and takes a long time when cutting it.
Merits of Hardware Cloth
- It is a perfect protective mechanism for the poultry as it is rigid enough to keep predators away.
- Hardware cloth prevents the chicken from roaming and getting lost.
Demerits of Hardware Cloth
- It can be expensive.
- Hardware cloth is not flexible and takes a long time when cutting.

The hardware cloth is another option that can be taken because it protects the chicken coop from wild animals such as foxes, rats, weasels and snakes.
Plastic Poultry Netting
Plastic poultry netting or plastic chicken netting is a poultry net created from plastic. It is flexible, light-weighted and allows poultry owners to easily adjust the netting as they wish.
The plastic poultry netting is not only used for protecting flocks of chicken, but is also good for safeguarding garden plants as well. It is nontoxic and noncorrosive.
Merits of Plastic Poultry Netting
- Plastic poultry netting is affordable.
- It is light-weighted and flexible for easy use.
- Plastic poultry netting is durable.
- It does not rust.
Demerits of Plastic Poultry Netting
- Plastic Poultry netting may not be able to properly protect against predators.
Consider the strengths and shortcomings of the different types of poultry net at stores before buying a poultry netting.

The advantage of using the plastic net for poultry is that it is very flexible and that it is easy to use and is not heavy.